LED Light Therapy
This light therapy is among the top favorites for estheticians, service providers and clients alike due to its wide array of benefits and ability to be paired simultaneously with other services and treatments.
LED Light Therapy provides a completely non-invasive, natural, and relaxing service to patients with all different kinds of skin. By soothing and rejuvenating the skin, light therapy is a miraculous modality. Different wavelengths represent different colors of the visible spectrum, and these colors each have their own unique beneficial properties.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy
Promotion of even skin tone
Enhancement of skin beauty
May also help restore glow to dull skin
Blue Light Therapy
Blue light is well known for its powerful antibacterial properties, making it possibly effective for people with clogged pores.
Benefits of Blue Light Therapy
May be beneficial for clogged pores
Enhancement of skin brightness and clarity
Green Light Therapy
Green light, known for its calming properties, has gained notoriety in the ability to address skin discoloration concerns.
Benefits of Green Light Therapy
Fosters calming and soothing
Possible improvement in hyperpigmentation concerns
Enhancement in the appearance of the skin
Potentially supporting stress and tension relief
$20 add-on to any treatment